PaTTAN Familes to the MAX




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FAMILIES TO THE MAX: Membership Registration/Information Update

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Welcome! We are thrilled to have you as a member of FAMILIES TO THE MAX, Pennsylvania's Statewide Family Network! As a member, you have the opportunity to meet and share information with other families across Pennsylvania, based on commonalities related to your child(ren)'s education. Please provide information to help us assist your family in its journey to support your child(ren) in a way that leads to successful post-school outcomes. We respect your privacy; we will not inundate you with lots of correspondence but will forward information we feel relates to your family's interests and needs. If you have any questions or concerns about this information, or at any time wish to change your information or preferences, please contact one of the Partners below. Thank you!
*Last Name:
* First Name:
* Address:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Zip Code:
IU #:
* Primary Language:
Preferred Contact Method:
* Phone Numbers (Check preferred daytime phone):  
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
* Email:
(Write N/A if you do not have an email address)
Roles: (Check all that apply)


My child(ren) with a disability is/are currently in the age range(s):
*Area(s) of Interest:
Please check all areas that interest you for which you would like notification of trainings or resources.
Add Another Area of Interest:
I have experience or expertise in the area(s) of and would like to offer my services to help other families.
I am interested in learning more about local and regional leadership
Contact Information:
FAMILIES TO THE MAX at [email protected]
PaTTAN (Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network) 800-441-3215 X 3262 or
PEAL (Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership Center) 866-950-1040 or
HUNE (Hispanos Unidos para Niños Excepcionales) 215-595-5866 or
Disclaimer of Services

For technical support, please email [email protected]
This application was developed by Leader Services for the PaTTAN. This site is for the use of authorized personnel only; any other use is strictly prohibited. © Leader Services, a division of LDP Inc.